Will i need to undress for the session?

No. Zero Balancing is performed through clothing. We will ask you to remove your shoes, belt and glasses and empty your pockets, but that’s it. Some people prefer to wear comfortable clothes, such as leggings or sweatpants and t-shirts, but that’s totally up to you.

How long does it take?

We like to allow 60 minutes for a session. The protocol itself takes about 45 minutes. The extra time allows us to talk about your desires for the session and to transition at the beginning and end.

What’s a fulcrum?

The Fulcrum is the working tool of Zero Balancing. When you press or stretch the body’s tissues and hold them at a point of stillness, you bring consciousness to that place and allow the rest of the body to reorient and find balance around it. Watch ZB founder, Fritz Smith, describe a fulcrum here.

I like deep tissue work. Will i like ZB?

ZB touch is gentle, but aims toward bone and therefore feels deep. Any time you hold tissue at a point of stillness, the body softens and “melts,” letting the touch in only so far as is comfortable. ZB feels respectful of the whole person because the client’s responses determine the depth and speed of the work.

Who will benefit from Zero Balancing?

ZB is for anyone who could do with help to relieve pain or diminish the effects of chronic stress. It will release restrictions in your movement and provide lasting relief from emotional distress, which will improve the overall quality of your life. ZB is also a valuable complement to conventional medical therapies, not intended as a substitute but as a support to the body while going through any given treatment.

other questions?

Visit the Zero Balancing website for more information about ZB or to find a class near you.